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Lydeard St Lawrence Community Primary School


Roles and Responsibilities of All Governors

The Governance Handbook describes effective governance as follows:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

These are the responsibilities of Lydeard St Lawrence’s Local Governing Committee.

► At its heart it is about being a ‘critical friend’ to the school. This involves a wide range of activities aimed at ensuring we understand ‘where the school is,’ its strengths, its areas for development, and its core priorities that stem from these.

► Core priorities stem from a wide variety of evidence sources, including from external monitoring processes, such as Ofsted and other external experts, as well as from school’s own monitoring processes.

► Governor monitoring activities contribute to these evidence sources. We endeavour to ensure we have the right information in sufficient depth, which we analyse and interrogate in order to provide rigorous challenge. We engage with parents, staff and pupils in carrying out our own monitoring processes to support the improvement process.

► Core priorities are captured within the school’s strategic School Development Plan and we monitor progress towards these key goals throughout the year.


We are a group of committed volunteers whose aim is to make a real contribution to the ongoing improvement of the school; playing a role in enabling it to be the best that it can be for our children and who love celebrating too, the successes along the way.

Individual Governor Responsibilities

  • Each governor takes on an additional specific responsibility, for which they have a role descriptor and a linked cycle of monitoring events which they undertake
  • These activities involve staff in a wide range of roles, including Senior Leaders, as well as pupils and parents
  • Governors then complete reports which are presented to the Local Governing Committee [LGC] meetings, having been shared with the HT, who adds their reflection to the report
  • We value collaboration and learning from each other and have, therefore, organised ourselves into ‘coaching pairs’ as governors take on new, specific responsibilities.
  • Governors have listed their specific responsibilities within their profiles below.


  • Chair of Governors
    Safeguarding Governor

    Louise Adams

    MAT Appointed 17/04/23-31/03/24

    SEND Link Governor

    Jennifer Williams MAT Elected Governor 01/09/22-31/08/26
    Vice Chair & Early Years Link Governor Kate Campbell MAT Elected Governor 01/09/22-31/08/26
    Health & Safety Link Governor Andy Wright MAT Elected Governor 01/09/22-31/08/26
    Head of school Rebecca Lihou Ex-Officio 01/09/23-31/08/23
    Clerk to Local Governing Board Wendy Hellin MAT appointed TBC

Parents/carers are welcome to contact governors via the school email at: enquiries@lstl.bwmat.org

 Register of Interests May 2023

Local Governing Committee Terms of Reference

Pay and Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference