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Lydeard St Lawrence Community Primary School

Geography and History

At Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School, we follow the Cornerstones curriculum to help deliver our history and geography lessons.

 Primary History Intent

Our intent is that our teaching of history is ambitious, challenging and aims to inspire children to have an inquisitive desire to study history.

Our curriculum develops children’s wider understanding of Britain’s past and that of the world in which they live. This is achieved through seeing the diversity of human experience and understanding more about themselves as individuals and members of society.

Children will be given the opportunities to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh up the evidence, evaluate strength of argument, and develop perspective and judgement. The curriculum is designed with the intention that every pupil can reach their full potential in history.

Our curriculum allows the children to be in the role of the historian; so they can apply these skills to the historical topics they investigate throughout our history curriculum.

Our carefully mapped programme of study will provide a cohesive, challenging and highly sequenced curriculum designed with long-term learning in mind.

The following concepts are taught from year 1:

  • Chronological understanding: when events take place in relation to others
  • Cause and Consequence: why did it happen and what changed as a result
  • Similarity and Difference: challenging the assumption that not all people behaved in the same way
  • Significance: why events are important
  • Evidential enquiry: researching and finding facts to support knowledge and understanding
  • Interpretations: what different opinions are formed based on what we know.

History at Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School promotes cultural capital alongside relevant purposeful study. Children are taught history using a knowledge rich curriculum, enabling progression of learning, and cross curricula links are made where appropriate.

Visits and activities locally and within the community are planned to link to school themes; to allow our children to be proud and have a sense of belonging of their local area, whilst providing first-hand experiences for the children to support and develop their learning as historians and their historical experiences.