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Lydeard St Lawrence Community Primary School

Home learning

Learning at home looks different depending on the age of your child. Some year groups will focus on spellings, reading and times tables; whilst in others, like year 6, there may be specific home learning set.

Home learning does not need to be formally given. Things such as cooking, going for walks, talking about books and ideas are all valuable ways in which you can support your child.

Writing shopping lists, understanding money, telling the time and reading a bus timetable are all essential skills you can help us to teach your child.

Class Home learning (each week)
Tawny Owls (EYFS, Year 1)

Reading 10-15 minutes daily.

15 minutes activity phonics or maths related.

1 experience or outdoor activity

Snowgles (Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6)

Reading 15-30 minutes daily.

TTRS 5-10 minutes daily.

Spelling Shed 5-10 minutes daily.

2x 30 minutes activity in English and Maths.

English and Maths

At Lydeard St Lawrence, home learning will be set and explained to our pupils before it is sent home. When specific tasks are set, instructions and expectations will be sent home. 

If there is no formal task sent home, please allow your child to access the following sites to aid their English and Maths learning.

BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary

Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/sch/lydeard#/


In all year groups, reading with your child is essential.

In EYFS and Year 1 this will include both reading to your child and listening to your child read. As children get older, please encourage them to read to you and talk about what they have read.

Times Tables

At Lydeard St Lawrence, we use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to practise both multiplication and division facts.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)


We use Spelling Shed to aid our teaching of spellings and spelling rules. Each week a new rule or set of words will be set.


Year 3/4

Spelling Shed plan for Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Spelling planning