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Lydeard St Lawrence Community Primary School

Our Curriculum Overview

 Early Years Foundation Stage – Children are given the opportunity to learn through an enabling environment, making use of our wonderful indoor and outdoor space. The children learn many skills that form the foundation of their learning. In the mornings, the children take part in timetabled lessons such as Phonics, Maths and Writing. The children also take part in weekly Art, Science and PSHE sessions.

Children are given the opportunity to consolidate their learning through continuous provision within the classroom and outside environments. This allows children the freedom to explore and investigate for themselves to embed their own learning and knowledge from the morning.

Our curriculum is tailored around the children’s interests. We conduct a Gap and Strength Analysis at the beginning of the year to look at your child’s interests and strengths. We then plan our curriculum around your children; both tailoring to their interests whilst expanding their horizons. The children also take part in weekly Forest School sessions to explore the wonderful environment that we are in. Our curriculum allows children to learn through enriching experiences helping our children to become independent, enthusiastic and inquisitive learners.


Key Stage 1 and 2 - In the morning the children have timetabled lessons in English, Phonics and Mathematics. In the afternoons,  they enjoy participating in a range of subjects such as Music, Art, PHSE, R.E and Science.  Throughout the school reading, writing and maths is embedded in all other areas of learning.  This is achieved by planning specific topics that are of interest to the children in each class enabling pupils to make links between subjects.  


Please see attached the whole school Curriculum Overview.   

Curriculum Overview

Learning as a school - We believe it is important to work together as a school and actively participate in events such as Children in Need, Number Day, World Book Day and Christingle, as well as putting on whole school performances twice a year.  We also actively encourage members of the school and local community to come in and work alongside the children, teachers and support staff.


At the beginning of the day there is a breakfast club. After school all children have the opportunity to participate in clubs that are run by teachers, support staff and volunteers. This year clubs include sports, forest school, arts and craft, gardening, Lego and cookery.